Sunday, March 11, 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Rachael Ray

The United States government is initiating a Rachael Ray tax so that every proud American can continue to give her money perpetually.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

El Greg es mentiroso con pantalones en fuego

En su blog, No Blue Drinks, el Greg se dijo que la madre mia es puta. Esto no es cierto. Mi madre no es puta. Es loca. Pero no es puta. Ha sido casi puta aveces en su vida. Pero en mi reconocimiento, nunca ha aceptado dinero por sus actividades (muchas y varias) sexuales. Una titula mejor sera "slag" o "strumpet". Pero como ha cambiada su vida, ahora seria mejor llamarla "prude" o "hipocrita sinverguensa." La madre de Greg, por su puesto, es tambien loca pero no puta. Por esta razon somos amigos amidables.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Research shows meetings make us dumber, crave doughnuts

Meetings make us dumber, study shows
Brainstorming sessions backfire when group thinking clouds decisions
By Abigail W. Leonard
Special to LiveScience
Updated: 4:48 p.m. CT Feb 22, 2007

People have a harder time coming up with alternative solutions to a problem when they are part of a group, new research suggests.

Scientists exposed study participants to one brand of soft drink then asked them to think of alternative brands. Alone, they came up with significantly more products than when they were grouped with two others.

The finding could be good news for advertisers who buy spots during big events like the Super Bowl, since consumers often view those commercials with others.

The clouded thinking might also extend into corporate boardrooms.

“When a group gets together, they can miss out on good options,” study team member H. Shanker Krishnan told LiveScience. This could mean ordering from a pizza place advertised on television even if there’s a better option, or making a poor decision in the boardroom. “Whether it’s with family or a group of co-workers, we could very quickly fixate on things and all come up with the same options.”

The research appears in this month's issue of the Journal of Consumer Research.

Yeah, what he said
The researchers speculate that when a group of people receives information, the inclination is to discuss it. The more times one option is said aloud, the harder it is for individuals to recall other options, explained Krishnan, associate professor of marketing at Indiana University.

Another contributing factor is variation in learning and memory styles. People store and retrieve information in myriad ways, so in a group situation, the conversation could cause individuals to think about the cues differently than they would if they were alone.

Krishnan said individuals, whether students, executives or football fans, should take time to consider the facts on their own before coming to a consensus.
© 2007 All rights reserved.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I dont use a mac, but I dont knock it. They are made to have everything built in and to work right out of the box. For people without the time or energy (The rich and/or the old) they are fine. For people who actually know how to use a computer, prefer a two button mouse, and perhaps like to play video games, a cheaper PC and a little set-up time will do just fine.

If you watch the apple computer (not the ipod) commercials carefully, the market is the actor playing PC. The aging hipster who thinks he can still communicate with his kids if he just buy an expensive but easy to use computer. Ironically, he thinks that if he bought a cheaper PC and had to ask his kids (and actually communicate with them) for help setting it up and using it, the endeavor would be less sucessful.

The ipod on the other hand is marketed to kids who probably have PCs... or access to their parents Macs. If they already have PCs that's ok, apple can lock down the add on market with their peripherals (software media player, online media store, "mp3" player designed for AAC files, etc.)

I think the division in their marketing is interesting, but then again, I love the fine arts of propaganda.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

David's Travel Tips

Here's the travel tip gleaned from this weeks business trip to San Antonio:

Never pick a seat in the tenth row on 737's configured by US Air/America West. The tenth row is the row right before the exit row. As if the stupid exit row alpha male businessmen didn't already have enough fucking room, the row in front of them is not allowed to recline. I flew for 5 hours with out being able to recline my seat in the least. I was a touch sore when I arrived.

I wish someone would start an airline for tall people. I sat next to qwang lee choo on one leg who was so tiny it was as if she were in first class. Meanwhile right next seat was me, barely able to fit my legs in the seat without goosing the guy in front of me. If I try and lean my head back, I'm so far from the head rest I can almost get a 90 degree angle in my neck. It sucks. God I hope I come into enough cash to be able to fly first class soon.

Monday, February 5, 2007

San Antonio

I'm in San Antonio on business this week. So far I'm not impressed. I'm going to try downtown tomorrow evening though. I hate places where everything is a fifteen minute drive from anything else. I'll reserve final judgement until after downtown though.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm at Greg's!

And your not. neener neener.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sunday, January 7, 2007


The diet sensation!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007